Some one I love is living with Alzheimer’s

I got to spend time with my mamala for her birthday. She is wonderful and she is perfect. And she is worried and fearful that something may actually be wrong, or maybe people just think something is wrong and she is perfectly fine. Either way, she is bothered. I wasn’t able to make her laugh … Continue reading Some one I love is living with Alzheimer’s

My Memory-Keeper is Losing Hers…

Sometimes I feel sorry for myself about this, which is the most selfish thing ever! She is the first human being on earth who knew anything at all about me, from that first tinge of morning sickness. The longing of her heart, and lucky me! God chose her for me. My mom delighted in me, … Continue reading My Memory-Keeper is Losing Hers…

A Woman’s Life by Stonehouse

By Stonehouse, the artist I just wanted to share this beautiful “live” drawing as a reminder to see past what we think we know about the women around us. My sister-in-law, Dawn, recently shared these words from a Twila Paris song, “Same Girl,” in the comments at this blog, a post about my mom, who is dealing … Continue reading A Woman’s Life by Stonehouse

So kiss me and smile for me

So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you’ll wait for me Hold me like you’ll never let me go* My mom asked me a few months ago, having watched a documentary about the late John Denver on PBS, if I would maybe “go in” with my siblings and buy her a John … Continue reading So kiss me and smile for me

“I collect pretty things”

———————————————– “I don’t know why I have all these things,” she said.  “I guess I just like to collect pretty things, anything at all that is pretty.  I just like them.” Mom is aging.  Mom is losing memories to that dreaded disease {we can barely whisper it, dementia}, like the autumn tree loses leaves, softly, … Continue reading “I collect pretty things”

Movies I have to see

Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me // In theaters October 24, 2014 I love Glen Campbell, people. LOVE him. He is leaving us, one memory at a time, suffering the ravages of that awful thief: Alzheimer’s Disease. I missed his “Good-bye Tour,” but heard it was amazing. Now I’ll get to see it closer up than … Continue reading Movies I have to see

The Glen

Aaaaaaaarrrrrggghhhh.  Somehow I missed this!? The 2011 CMA awards Tribute to Glen Campbell.   I wrote about his Alzheimer’s diagnosis and my life-long love for his music HERE awhile back, in a post I called “I want you for all Time.” For obvious reasons.   LOOOOOOOoooooooooove him!  Oh-the songs!

EPIC LOVE: Opal & Everett

{ O P A L   &   E V E R E T T } My Grandma and Grandpa Allison By the end, frail and broken-down, they were shriveled old people, quietly enduring the ravages of the so-undeserved Alzheimer’s Disease and doing their best not to be a bother for their family or health care workers.  … Continue reading EPIC LOVE: Opal & Everett