Happy Birthday, Tara Jean

Tara is 30 today!

It was a Wednesday 05.09.79, the evening of a beautiful spring day.  The mysterious baby was coming – boy or girl?  I had no idea.  But I was hoping for a baby girl.  30 minutes after arriving at the hospital (where I refused to go until I was having difficulty “handling” contractions), she arrived. 

I see perfection for the first time in my life.  She is pink and shaped perfectly and gentle.  I am not alone…

Two hours later they place the little bundle in my arms in our temporary home and she looks at me as if she has always known me.  I breathe in the mystery of her and know that my heart is tied to this little human being in an eternal way.  I feel the love I give her come back to me.  God gave me the gift of her, entrusted me with her life and I cannot fathom how life-changing it will be. 

Shiny blond hair and bright blue eyes accessorize this girl’s joyous personality.  Everything about life is another opportunity to laugh and be happy and to bring the same to all around her.  She squeals with delight at the slightest provocation.  She is fun and she is joy.  She is star bright and star light.

Was it really thirty years ago that I held this beautiful stranger as close as humanly possible?  Did I really start my wobbly ascent into motherhood so long ago?  Hard to believe, difficult to comprehend.

Yet, more mysterious is the fact that this girl, this amazing woman of God with the angelic voice, this anointed exhorter and song writer, DP’s devoted crazy-in-love-with-him wife and Hunter’s creative and attentive mommy is that same baby I held.  The fact that I had anything at all to do with this woman boggles my mind.  The fact that I held her first, that I prayed over her and sang to her and got to mommy her ~ I am humbled.  Because Tara?  Has turned out! 


I am so proud of you, Tara.  I am so pleased with the choices you are making every day and the life you are living to please the Father.  Happy Birthday, my firstborn, my child.  Happy Birthday! 


Thirty wishes for Tara on her 30th birthday:

  1. Oh, my first born~I thank God for you.  I pray you will always know how much I thank God for you.
  2. Passionate kisses and lifelong love with Dave.  That is what I want for you.  I love how you love your husband.  I pray that you two keep the fires sizzling hot!
  3. Thousands of hugs from Hunter.  You are such a good mommy, Tara, really-so good.  I hope you will get ready to receive the fruit of all the love you give.
  4. Courage to be all God has called you to.
  5. Courage to do everything God planned for you before the foundation of the world.
  6. Hope in your heart for all the secret desires…”Your desire is the confirmation that the destination is there,” as Carman used to sing!
  7. Revelation on the deep things of God (“Deep calls to deep…”).
  8. I wish for you to hear God’s secrets, praying you’ll stay so close He’ll actually confide in you (He confides in those who fear Him…).
  9. I wish creativity for you – that you’ll always be energized when you get to flow in that aspect of the character of God – making the world brighter for everyone who knows you.
  10. I wish for you to stay strong and healthy, and vigorously active (just like your grandma…:{ not like me). 
  11. I wish for a million good hair days.
  12. May you live long on the earth and may it go so very well for you (check out that 5th commandment!).
  13. I pray that you’ll be surprised by the great things God has in store.  Nothing to fear in your future.  He is already there and it is good times!
  14. More traveling!  You love it.  The world needs what you and Dave bring.  I pray that gazillions more travel opportunities open up!
  15. But I pray you’ll always live close by.  Let “home base” be near your mom and dad, okey-dokey?  Settled.
  16. I pray that your love for the Word will just keep increasing (time in the Word is time with the Word).
  17. May the songs increase.  Write, girl, write! 
  18. I wish for you to understand the power behind your soft voice.  It is there!
  19. I wish for you to have true friends – the kind who will deposit good things into your life and replenish you after all you pour out.
  20. My wish for you is to do tremendously well on the keyboard and teach me the stuff I do all wrong.
  21. May your worship please the Lord.
  22. May your voice be heard around the world.
  23. I pray for you to walk in wisdom. 
  24. Enjoy your youth.  These are amazing days.  Enjoy them fully.
  25. I pray for the Lord to order your days and help you, as a family, to schedule carefully – always listening for Holy Spirit direction.
  26. May you have the financial provision to complete the tasks the Lord has placed in your hands.  I pray for the money to come so your generous giving may increase!  Dig wells, care for the orphans, teach and preach and obey every day.  Lord, send the money it takes!
  27. Stay humble, my sweet.  Kill pride the second you see it anywhere in your life.
  28. I am praying the Lord will bless you and keep and make His face shine upon you. 
  29. I am praying that the smile of the Lord will be on your life.  Remember – He is rejoicing over you with singing.
  30. And I wish for the joy of the Lord to be your strength – all the strength you’ll ever need.

Love you babe…Mom

NOTE TO SELF:  Be the driving force to get her birthday shelves built by her dad! :)

8 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Tara Jean

  1. Yes, shelves are on the way!
    Happy Birthday my little Tarby…
    I love you.
    And I barely remember through the fog of my sleeping in the chair last night when you came to pick up Hunter that you said the new Star Trek was Awesome!
    I bless you with long life and prosperity and God’s favor or you and Dave and little Hunter!

  2. Happy Birthday Tara, my sweet niece. Can I just say…I like your hair day way better today than when it was pink and black. :) But, either way, the Spirit of the Living God living in you far outweighs any hair days, good or bad. You are tried and true all the way through. We all love you so much. Joe was just reminiscing the other day about playing his guitar for you when you were just a babe, sitting in your infant seat. Tell your mom that’s why you sing so well. :)

  3. Happy Birthday girl! I have enjoyed every single moment I have ever been able to spend with you, just because of who you are. Love, Aunt Dawn

  4. Without a doubt, her ‘soul-formation’ came as an infant in a bouncy seat on the floor, listening to the aweful but sincere bellowings (as if the universe depended on it) of Uncle Joe and guitar! You have often been the pleasure of this whole family, Tara! Live on! Live well! You are loved!

  5. Happy Birthday Tara!! Once again, you don’t stinkin look 30!!! I believe this year is going to be an amazing one for you, and I am so proud to be able to stand with you in it, my big sister…I love you!

  6. Happy, happy birthday, big sis!! If I can look even half as good as you in 4 years at 30, I will be blessed. You are a youthful, Godly, compassionate, amazing woman and I’m SO proud to call you my sister. I love you and know God will continue to bring good things as you step into these next years.

  7. Tara – you are my only ‘big’ sibling, and I am proud to have you in my life!
    Happy Birthday 30th Birthday!

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