My sheep know My voice

They just have trouble hearing it and distinguishing it due to all the other voices screaming to be heard.

The new fall TV line-up* *reruns *DVRed shows *on-demand *email *Facebook *Twitter *Pinterest *blogs *websites *the world-wide-web *talk radio *music radio *iPod *iPhone *telephone *text messages *toolbars *websearches *Yahoo! news *talking heads *the guy in the next cubicle *YouTube *GoogleChrome *Google search *GoogleDocs *GoogleVoice *GoogleTalk *Netflix *Qwickster (Qwikster?) *technology *the hottest emerging technology trends *The Cloud *mobility *mobile applications *IT *adware *autoresponder *bookmark *banner ad *emoticon *firewall *navigation bar *Ping *spam *Wikipedia *QR codes *GPS and those annoying, bossy voices *4-G *video-conferencing * *friends *relations *neighbors *co-workers *bosses *store clerks *salesmen *telemarketers *help desk *help desk and no one speaks English  *commercial *catalogs *magazines *Christmas lists  *contests *couponing *extreme couponing *newspapers *volunteers needed *ministry to be done *projects to complete *problems to solve *weight to lose *food to cook *laundry to wash *toilets to scrub *gardens to tend *children to raise *merchandise to buy *creativity to develop *the latest things to not only discover, but be the first to do so on our blocks *work to get to *work to stay late *mail to go through – but that may end soon with the PO in the shape its’ in…   & etc…

Not to mention the voices in your head, people you think are talking about you and people who really are.  Shall get get together for coffee – just to talk?  Let’s schedule that now, shall we?

Disconnect (from

break it off, break it up, cut off, detach, disassociate, disengage, disjoin, dissever, dissociate, disunite, divide, drop it, part, separate, sever, sideline, uncouple, unfix

Breaking up is {too-too-too} Hard to Do.

I found Twitter in the Bible.  I am not saying it means anything.  I just found it.  That’s all.

Psalm 102:3a The Message

I’m wasting away to nothing, I’m burning up with fever. I’m a ghost of my former self, half-consumed already by terminal illness. My jaws ache from gritting my teeth; I’m nothing but skin and bones. I’m like a buzzard in the desert, a crow perched on the rubble. Insomniac, I twitter away, mournful as a sparrow in the gutter.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” -Jesus, in Matthew 11


4 thoughts on “My sheep know My voice

  1. Yes, I needed I hear this! It feels like everyone is feeling too busy and needing to slow down and be with Jesus! It’s something with the changing if seasons, right?! There has got to be something in us getting ready to be dormant in the Fall…preparing for winter?

  2. Interesting thought…I’m in Michigan and it seems 10 times faster and busier than where I live. And I first read this at home and totally agreed. It seemed busy there. So though it may be harder in busier places, is it even more needed? Like putting on your brakes on the expressway compared to putting on the brakes in slow traffic? If we need to slow down we need to slow down. The quote from Matthew is yummy. Good food for our spirit.

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