Gavin is Four!


Gavin-you silly, delightful boy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I cannot believe I was once trepidatious about becoming a “Grandma,” better known around these parts as *nonna.*   It is true what they say: Grandchildren are your reward for not killing your own children.  I won!  I hit the jackpot!

As I write this – you’re innocently asleep in your bed and have no idea of the 3-D dinosaur cake I am preparing for your party and how its’ head just fell off.  You won’t even wonder why my hands are dyed green when I arrive.  You, being you, will just be excited about the cake and tell me it is wonderful because you are my little encourager.  You’re my red-headed fella and one of the most energetic human beings I have ever known.  You’re the double-sworded Leonardo who has explained more to me about “Turtle Power” than I ever wanted to know.  You are my delight!


Thanks for enduring the kiss and remember: YOU CRACK ME UP!!!

I am blessed…”Nonna”

NOTE TO SELF: Try to remember – was there life before Gavin?

2 thoughts on “Gavin is Four!

  1. My little Gavers… Four years old! It hardly seems possible. My little buddy. You are a little red headed Ninny Muggins and I love you. And now with two baby sisters to keep in tow, how will you manage? I am so glad that you came into my world. Don't ever grow weary of calling me Dra Draw me

  2. Was there a time before Gavin? It seems decades ago. It seems like the only time we were without him was our childhoods which are pretty far gone. I was thinking the other night about how excited I was when I heard he was on his way. I can't believe it's been 4 years since his birth. How old he's grown in such a short time.  Gavin is the definite leader of the troupe of kiddos we have surrounding us.  He encourages, directs, sometimes dictates and always sweetly tells Hunter, Guinivere and Gemma, "I love you!"  What an incredible boy!  I can't wait to see what the Lord does through him.

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