It’s that time again…

The Girls June 07 Guini 07 Guini September 07

Hunter May 07 Hunter Summer 07 Hunter 07

I have held back, I have resisted the strong urge, I have said to myself, “No! Wait until May 10 – wait until after the final frost date,” but I have the gardening itch!  I made my first seed and supply purchase last week, even though I will grow most things from seedlings, I cannot restrain myself from the joy of showing my grandchildren how putting some seed into soil will create something wondrous!

Gavin summer 07 Gavin Fall 07 Gavin fall harvest

A few weeks ago Gavin and I were talking about how it is almost time to garden daily.  He remembers with me that great fun and success we had with it last year when we first planted in cups then later into the garden his Gavin’s Fancy Gourds, not far from Guini’s Birdhouse Gourds and Hunter’s Great Pumpkin Patch, right across the yard from Baby Gemma’s Sweet Baby Watermelons.

Gemma June 07 Gemma fall 07 Gemma and her watermelons

As I was explaining how, even though the weather seemed very nice, we still had to wait to plant most things due to crazy last-minute snowflakes and cold nights, he brightly exclaimed, “Nonna – I have a good idea!?  How about we go put some ketchup in the ground and grow some tomatoes!??!”

I have to give him props for remembering the tomato-ketchup connection.

The grass is greening, the soil has been turned, it really is spring!…Jeanie

Averi at her Dedication 4 20 08

NOTE TO SELF:  Introduce Averi to the soil…what shall we grow together this summer???

pictured: gardening fun last summer, Guini at top, Hunter, Gavin, Gemma.  Averi at the bottom, the newest seed…

5 thoughts on “It’s that time again…

  1. I love all of those pictures!!  I can't believe how much Gemma has changed this year, yet she still looks just like herself!  I am excited for all the bright colors of spring, but I will miss the cold weather.  No more layer dressing or curling up under a thick blanket to watch a movie.  It makes me sad.  But, I know that the summer will pass quickly, so it won't be long!

  2. You'd rather have winter than summer, Steph?!  What's wrong with you?  Bring on the heat.  Woo hoo!!!  The only thing winter is good for is ushering in Christmas, but once that's over….bleh!  Dreary-ville.  All of the kids have changed so much since last summer.  Hmmm…maybe for Averi she should grow "Averi's Avocado's" ?????

  3. Yes it is about time for the little bare feet to pad around the fertile soil of NaNa's garden and spring to life all that have been laying dormant.

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