Our newest son


Ryan Faaland.  I have only known him for a year and 6 days.  But all along he was being prepared, God was readying our family and preparing the way for him to be grafted into the Rhoades tribe.  He and Tredessa fell for each other quickly and I am pretty sure that his first huge family dinner with us made him like Tredessa even more.  Haha.

We asked him 10,872 questions.  And it was loud.  And we played Charades.  He laughed easy and he fit – just right.  Prepared.  A new son…

Happy 28th Birthday, Ryan!

Your parents raised a good son.  I know they are pleased with the man you have turned out to be.  You are a man of integrity and character.  You are caring and affectionate.  You are the tender love God wanted to bless Tredessa with.  You were prayed for and highly anticipated.  You were long-awaited and appointed to a place of high honor, that of the man of Tredessa’s dreams – a place so unique, so protected in its’ scope and future, 3 massive music festivals turned up dry, man-wise.  There was only one who would do…and it was you.

Just words.

Below is your “birthday card.”  It has a few of the words that describe you, things I see, things I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to impress upon you.  I hope you will know the deep, full meaning of each.  I pray your heart will resonate as these things confirm God’s call on your life, His plans for you, and His deep love for you, Ryan.

I wrote “You brought a part we didn’t know we were missing.”   And even though we were waiting for you and looking for you, the gift God gave was more than we could have hoped or asked.  We didn’t even know what we really needed.  But God is good and He knew.  And we love Him for the gift.  We love you!


3 thoughts on “Our newest son

  1. Thank you thank you thank you. I am so glad, and delighted to be in this beautiful family. I love what it means to live and breath family. Not only at chruch but also at home. I have learned ooohhh so much from you too. I can’t, thank you, beautiful family enough. I feel blessed and encouraged that Jesus really has His hand on many situations. Truly the One who led me to where I am today. Thank you mom and Dad and Family!

  2. Awww, thanks, momma! I am SOOOOO blessed to have this wonderful man. And I’m also so blessed to have a mother who loves him so much!

  3. This is one of the most beautiful tributes I have ever read! So well, deserved to Ryan! Gosh, Ryan, I would say you are so blessed to have such a lovely family to love you. We should all be so fortunate in our lives! Beautifully written and expressed. Ryan, you have always been a dear and special person. I had the opportunity, and priviledge to watch you grow up into this wonderful gentleman. Always will view you, as a blessing in my life. You are loved. xox

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